Life in the modern world is centered on technology, with an invisible hand of "data" behind the scenes. Individuals can produce, process, exchange, and disseminate all forms of information through "digital mediums" that transcend the physical limits of time and space.
Uploading, downloading, streaming, synchronizing... have all become daily commands. In a split microsecond, the traces of years of civilizations are encoded into the colossal data and characters. We are all living in this symbiosis between digital cloud and information, with no time differences.
"Compound Clouds Island," taking "data transmission" as its inspiration, presents the mysterious cloud "information computing" process as a physical installation. The art's shape is in the form of the fundamentals of modern mobile communication: the Cellular Network and its signal overlay. Several hexagonal geometric monoliths assemble into a giant cloud installation.
Each node between the hexagons symbolizes the way of communication on the internet. With no constraints in time and space, each dialogue aggregates into a vast and compact cloud system.The penetrating beams of light also embody the large amount of data in cloud databases, reflecting the close relationship between people and technology.
In addition, "Compound Cloud Island" not only epitomizes "information computing" but also utilizes "data visualization" to detect real-time regional weather conditions and reflect the information in lighting dynamics.Meanwhile, the installation will also adjust its lighting color temperature according to the time of the day to create a variety of spatial ambiances. The audience can also control the work's light display through the instruction sign, and actively participate in the cycle and changes of the clouds, thus establishing an interaction between the work and its venue.
Compound Clouds Island
#lighting #ESG #nature
17.5(m) x 3.5(m)
Mixed media
Baogao Science And Intellectual Park
Structural Consultant
Kuan-Fan Chen& A.S studio
Liu Che Chun
Structural Engineering
Xiang Yu Co. Ltd.
《複雲島》以「數據傳輸」作為創作靈感,將存儲於網路世界、彷彿被層層雲端掩蓋的「資訊運算」過程,以「實體裝置」展現。裝置造型取自行動通訊的基礎:蜂巢式網路(Cellular Network) 訊號覆蓋的形式發展,由數個六邊形幾何單體集合為巨大的雲朵造型。每一個單體的連結,正如在數位時代的人們透過網際網路不限時空的自由交流與溝通,構成一個龐大而緊密的雲端系統,而一縷一縷穿透雲間的光束,象徵著雲端中傳輸的大量數據,反映了人與科技交織的緊密關係。
此外,《複雲島》除了詮釋「資訊運算」的形象外,更透過「資料視覺化 (Data visualization)」 的方式:即時偵測當日區域內的天氣狀態,再轉化為不同的燈光動態。同時,搭配每個時段專屬的不同色溫,營造出多樣的空間氛圍。而觀眾亦能透過說明牌控制作品的燈光展現,主動參與雲的循環與變化,進而與作品、場域間產生連結與互動。《複雲島》為新店「寶高智慧產業園區」公共藝術裝置,園區導入「智慧科技」的概念迎接未來智能化的產業趨勢。《複雲島》期望將看不見的資訊意象化為實體的形象,透過「資訊雕塑」為園區打造獨特、鮮明的標的物,藉以傳達園區「智慧聯網」之示範基地。