The Heaven Bloom - Vital Edition extends WHYIXD's digital landscape series, exploring how objects encapsulate nature's memories and engage viewers in dialogue. Inspired by resilient life in high mountains, the artwork metaphorically portrays eternity as a vast organic entity perpetually merging with the natural flow. Units of the Heaven Bloom draw from mountain azaleas like Rhododendron hyperythrum Hayata, endemic to Taiwan's highlands, resembling towering peaks in profile. Influenced by Eastern eternity knots, these units form a collective life through tessellations, symbolizing existence beyond material realms.
Each unit interlocks, allowing for infinite expansion, their metallic veins hidden within petals dynamically combining geometric shapes, mimicking the perpetual cycle of life. Programmed with varying temporal rules, the mechanical flowers simulate seasonal changes. Infused with mathematical calculations, they create an organic spacetime continuum, flowing with an elegant rhythm that mesmerizes observers.
The series explores how inanimate objects, through mathematical programming, evoke human emotions and delve into the concept of eternity. This imaginative creation bridges nature's memory with human creativity, inviting viewers to perceive it as a living entity harmonizing with and transforming its environment.
Heaven Bloom : vital edition
#object #kinetic
Stainless steel, aluminum, servo motor, microcontroller, programming
38 cm diameter x 22 cm depth
Taipei Dangdai Art and Ideas Taipei 2024
Echoes of tomorrow. Yes, today! Berlin 2024
Heaven Bloom: vital edition作品延伸自WHYIXD的Heaven Bloom系列,探討了物件如何盛裝自然的記憶,引發人與人們的對話,Heaven Bloom系列作品啟發自生處於高山的堅韌生命,在碎石中頑強的死去又重生。此作品將永恆比作一個精巧設計的巨大循環有機體,在平凡的流衍中不斷吸收及融合,最終揉合出獨特的韻律,繪製自身的永生。
Heaven Bloom: vital edition的單體外觀仿造高山的杜鵑,側面猶如屹立的山嶽,視覺上參考了許多「密鋪(Tessellation)」以及東方永生結的單元排列,由純粹的單一圖像序列衍生出群體的生命。無數的幾何圖形組合起來代表在可見的物質世界之外還存在著無限的存在,暗喻著生命的無窮。每個單體更可相互嫁接,添加新的電路,使得這個雕塑可無限延展。其花瓣內隱藏著金屬色的雕刻莖脈,花朵開闔間無數的幾何圖形透過動態組合交錯出無限的存在,彷彿一場又一場的生命輪迴。每朵機械花透過程式植入了不同的時間規則,如同清晨的露水、午間的烈陽以及深夜的微風。這片充滿數學計算的無生命物體透過給予自然的規律,在流轉中創造了一個有機的時空,以優雅的姿態流瀉出自有的呼吸律動,吸引人們駐足。