Heaven Bloom is located in the lobby of a building with nature which is constructed by GoldenJade development corp. Along with the international architecture team from Singapore, WOHA, this mansion was designed with concept of nature.
By sowing the idea seeds into the crack of concrete wall, Heaven Bloom just grew up and become a large, organic society. There are 144 mechanical metal flowers dancing to the four season background music and responding to the special season change that only occurs in nature. Heaven Bloom is inspired by the special plant—Nanhu Rhododendron(Rhododendron hyperythrum Hayata), which only grows in one of 100 mountain peaks in Taiwan: “Nanhu Mountain”.
The Nanhu Rhododendron is adaptive in extreme climate on high mountains—it appears rusty yellow color before it blooms; however, when it's in full bloom the flower appears like white snowflakes all over around the mountain peak. In Heaven Bloom the warm soul of Nanhu Rhododendron is injected, making the mechanical flower dance in the air. We believe that this work could bear any poor conditions but still bloom elegantly, responding to the vitality of Taiwan.
“Heaven Bloom” will show this beautiful pattern continuously in the building “#SkyGreen”.
Heaven Bloom
#kinetic #ESG #nature
Sky green Hall
Mixed media
7.3(m) x 1(m) x 7.8(m)
Golden Jade Construction
Film production
Liu Che Chun
Lee Kuomin
Sound designer
Ami Tseng , Hsu Tzu-Chuan
2021 Golden A' Design Award
扉花Heaven Bloom 坐落 磐鈺營建機構 師法「自然」的宅邸大廳。磐鈺偕同新加坡國際建築團隊WOHA,導入「自然元素」的設計手法,在這片水泥叢林中,撒下盎然綠意的種子──扉花就此在水泥裂隙中繁盛,自成一個巨大的、永恆的有機體。
144朵金屬構成的機械花,隨著空間中流瀉而出的四季聲響,在空間中產生規則、有機的律動,呼應大自然特有的時序變化。扉花取材自台灣著名百岳之一「南湖大山」之特有種植物──南湖杜鵑,來作為藝術裝置的創作發想。南湖杜鵑能適應嚴苛的高山環境──在未開花時,葉片呈現獨特的金屬鏽黃色;盛開時,卻像是片片的雪白紙花怒放於山頭。扉花Heaven Bloom注入南湖杜鵑堅毅溫忍的靈魂,幻化為漫天機械花朵──期許在貧瘠的環境中,仍能盛開出嬌豔的花蕊。這般特質,恰巧將台灣這座島嶼特有的生命力,表現的淋漓盡致。扉花將在這座名為「#SkyGreen」的宅邸內,持續綻放出永恆的美麗姿態。
※扉花Heaven Bloom
扉為開端丶最初之意。扉花設置於磐鈺雲華的大廳中,大廳對於建案而言是整體的開端,也是迎接住戶的重要空間。英文名Heaven Bloom則是對應建案Sky Green之名。